Navigating the interface

HOLOPLOT Control consists of 5 sections:

  1. Navigation Bar

  2. Control Panel

  3. Workspace

  4. Properties Panel

  5. Footer


It provides quick access to all sections of HOLOPLOT Control, grouped by workflow steps.

Navigation Bar

Control panel

This panel is accessible from all sections, providing quick access to the most relevant functionalities and displaying important information for monitoring the system status. It consists of 2 tabs: one for monitoring system-wide output levels and another for adjusting environmental conditions and switching presets.

Control Panel


This is the main section of HOLOPLOT Control. The content and available actions vary depending on the workflow stage, whether setup, operation, or monitoring.

Workspace in the Project Information section

Properties Panel

It introduces a view-only panel that showcases the attributes, context, and additional details of the selected item on the workspace. Its content adapts based on the current section: Project Information, Metering, or Beam Tuning.

Properties Panel in the Project Information section

The footer is divided into two parts:

  • The left part displays information on the current OS version and active project.

  • The right side summarizes all system statuses to quickly monitor the system's health.


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