Tuning beams

This section demonstrates how to adjust beams in the currently active preset and modify the EQ at a system level in HOLOPLOT Control.

The Tuning section's Main EQ and beam Tuning tabs allow for further sound personalization in real-time and offer more control over low frequencies.

Main EQ

It includes 6 bands to adjust the EQ at a system level.

Beam tuning

The Beam tuning page allows you to adjust the EQ, gain, and delay of the beams for the currently selected preset and environmental conditions. The Beam Tuning tab is split into two panels:

1. Beam table – left panel

The table displays all the beams belonging to the active preset with the following information or actions:

  • Gain and delay values broken into:

    • Automatically-defined values set in HOLOPLOT internal tools (these values are only accessible for Project files created internally at HOLOPLOT).

    • User-defined values in HOLOPLOT Control's Tuning section. These fields are editable.

    • Total values, which are a sum of the automatically and user-defined values.

  • Mute and Solo buttons.

  • Signal indicator to verify whether there is a signal coming in.

  • EQ button to activate or bypass the EQ when previously set.

2. Beam EQ – right panel

This panel displays the EQ window for the selected beam on the left panel, featuring 8 bands. It also shows the beam input level meter and the connected arrays to monitor output levels.

A beam's tuning is linked to the preset layer and environmental conditions. This means each beam will have different gain, delay, and EQ values for each associated preset layer and environmental condition. Learn more in Working with preset layers and HOLOPLOT OS

Applying EQ values to other beams

Use the Apply EQ Values dropdown on the top right part of the beam EQ panel to copy the same EQ settings to:

  • All environmental conditions of that beam: The same EQ is applied to all environmental conditions of that beam within the same preset.

  • All instances of this beam: The same EQ is applied to the same beam and environmental conditions in all presets containing that beam.

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