Working with presets

Each HOLOPLOT project is made up of beams, arrays and zones. A preset is the way you define which beams will play in your system at the same time.

Each HOLOPLOT project is made up of beams, arrays and zones. A preset is the way you define which beams will play in your system at the same time.

The beams in a preset can be optimized for different environmental conditions based on the changing temperature and humidity in your venue, and you can switch between these different environmental conditions during show time using HOLOPLOT Control.

An example use case of presets in a performing arts venue:

Preset 1: Only half of the venue is used for an afternoon children's show that runs weekly. The beams in the preset cover the zones in the stalls only, and are optimized for 19°C.

Preset 2: The whole venue is used for the popular Saturday night performance which is usually sold out. The beams in the preset target all of the zones in the venue. The temperature in the venue rises during the show due to the amount of people and the special effects used on stage, the beams are therefore optimized for two environmental conditions (21°C and 25°C).

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